When I was first introduced to the book “Whole Person Integrative Eating” and its claim to provide a breakthrough dietary lifestyle to treat the root causes of overeating, overweight and obesity I was instantly captivated for a very personal reason. In December of 2012 at about 5:30 p.m. one afternoon I stood up from this very desk that I am working at right now. I stopped breathing and quickly faded to black falling face first to the floor. At that time I was carrying 315 pounds on my five foot nine inch frame. By some miracle I was found by local EMT’s and taken to a nearby hospital in a coma. I was later told that I was examined by several medical doctors and the prognosis was nearly unanimous – I would not survive. Happily, as is too often true, they were wrong. Twenty six days later I walked out of the hospital with one major mission in mind – I needed to lose a lot of weight. Unfortunately, “Whole Person Integrative Eating” did not exist yet. Fortunately, however, many other resources did exist that did take me beyond mere dieting to my current weight of about 165 pounds.

Authors Deborah Kesten, M.P.H. and Larry Scherwitz, Ph.D. have absolutely nailed it by focusing on helping people develop a lifestyle that focuses on the root causes of overeating, over weight and obesity and how to enjoy a longer, happier and healthier life. For many years leading up to my temporary death in 2012 I did as many others have done and still do and that is I would go on a diet and lose 30 or 40 pounds and then quickly put on 40 or 50 pounds and then repeat the cycle over and over again. Why this is a common occurrence is dealt with in the book as are proven effective ways of moving beyond this vicious cycle into a far healthier whole person approach.

There is a great deal of wisdom and revelation throughout the book “Whole Person Integrative Eating” but in Chapter 15 they get down to the nitty gritty of some very flavorful yet healthy foods from all around the world. Your mouth will water as you review the tongue tempting recipes from Tex/Mex, Tuscany, Mediterranean, Thailand, India, African and Native American treats. And by chapter 15 you will have a clear understanding of how these foods relate to the whole you and the recipes are much more than simple calorie counts.

“Whole Person Integrative Eating” is 278 pages of insights and wisdom most of us have probably never before even thought about. It is by no means your typical “diet” book but I am confident that what you can gain from this book can truly help you live a longer, stronger and healthier life making it very well worth every penny of its modest cost. You can order your copy right now right here
The book is also available at most major bookstores and retail outlets.
Photos: Courtesy of Ron Irwin and “Whole Person Integrative Eating”
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